Are you still using screw terminals or have you switched to plug-in systems?
Discover the advantages of spring-type connection systems in combination with user-friendly power infeed now with Siemens 3RV systems.
The SIRIUS 3RV29 infeed system is the convenient solution for infeed and distribution whenever you need to reliably supply a number of motor starter protectors or complete load feederswith screw or spring-type terminals in sizes S00 and S0. So, if you have a lot of drives, and consequently a high cabling overhead, take a minute to watch the short video. You'll learn how you can assemble load feeders quickly and fault-free and expand them flexibly with this Siemens infeed system without the need for time-consuming wiring, laborious screwing effort, or special tools.
The 3RV29 infeed system is based on a basic module complete with a lateral incoming supply unit (three-phase busbar with infeed). Expansion modules (three-phase busbars for system expansion) are available for extending the system. The individual modules are connected via an expansion plug. The electrical connection between the three-phase busbars and the motor starter protectors is implemented through plug-in connectors. The complete system can be mounted on a TH35 standard mounting rail to IEC60715, and can be expanded as required up to a maximum current carrying capacity of 63 A.
SIRIUS 3RV29 infeed system benefits
Cover 80% of regular motor ratings with one transparent system. Plant availability means maximum productivity in your factory. A key factor here is the energy supply.
Easy installation
Due to plug-in connections, the infeed systems can be quickly mounted without errors and practically without the use of tools.
Seamless interaction
As part of the SIRIUS modular system, the SIRIUS infeed systems fit seamlessly with all other components.
Perfect engineering
Correct and comprehensive article data, circuit diagram symbols or 3D models are available in digital form and can be retrieved around the clock using the CAx download manager so that your electrical engineering is precise and free of errors.
Replacement during operation
A defective infeed system module can be replaced during operation (but not under load) without the other components having to be disconnected from the power supply.

Expansion modules are available for extending the system (three-phase busbars for system expansion). The individual modules are connected with an expansion plug.
The electrical connection between the three-phase busbars and the motor starter protectors is implemented through plug-in connectors. The complete system can be mounted on a TH 35 standard mounting rail to IEC 60715, and can be expanded as required up to a maximum current carrying capacity of 63 A.
The system is mounted extremely quickly and easily, thanks to the simple plug-in technique. Thanks to the lateral infeed, the system also saves space in the control cabinet. The additional height required for the infeed unit is only 30 mm. The alternative infeed possibilities on each side offer a high degree of flexibility for configuring the control cabinet: Infeed on the left-hand or right-hand side, as well as infeed on one side and outfeed on the other side to supply further loads, are all possible. A terminal block with spring-type connections in combination with a standard mounting rail enables the integration of not only SIRIUS motor starter protectors but also single-phase, 2-phase and 3-phase components such as 5SY miniature circuit breakers or SIRIUS relay components.
The 3RV29 infeed system is approved in accordance with IEC to 500 V. It is also UL-approved and authorized for "Self-Protected Combination Motor Controller" (Type E starter) as well as for Type F starter (Type E starter + contactor).
A customer came to IES wanting to replace his contactors and overloads with Siemens MSPs and contactors. This Texas manufacturer was originally interested in the busbars and simple infeed for the MSPs, which certainly would have worked. The only problem was, if one failed, they would have to take the busbar offline entirely in order to replace it. One of our account managers showed them the SIRIUS 3RV29 MSP infeed system, knowing this wouldn't be necessary with it. Being able to bring in the plant's main 480 Volts and install the MSPs one at a time, then remove it easily if one MSP needed to be replaced was a major selling point. However, the customer still wanted to see a quote for both options. Coming in right at $200 more, the SIRIUS 3RV29 MSP infeed system was the solution they chose. While it took the plant electrician 12 hours to remove and replace the old equipment, it would have taken closer to 16 hours to have wired them all separately - saving crucial time and money. The ability to easily remove a feeder without tools and without shutting down or disassembling the entire group if a feeder has to be replaced is just one of the features leaving this customer pleased they chose the 3RV29 infeed system. And you can actually see the improvement in the before and after photos above! |
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